28.08.2018 г.
Held on August 27 the plenary meeting “STATE SUPPORT MEASURES AND MARKET STIMULUS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DOMESTIC LIGHT INDUSTRY” marked, first of all, the increasingly complicated internal and external economic conditions, which are increasingly affecting the work of the industry. At the same time, a number of agencies, as noted, show tendencies, at least, to stagnate the current level of direct and indirect state support for the domestic light industry. And this support is increasingly becoming problematic for enterprises. At the very beginning of the plenary session, the Honorary Diploma for the merits in the development of the domestic light industry was awarded to the head of the company “Thermopol” LLC Victor Gontar. President of the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of Textile and Light Industry Andrei Razbrodin, congratulating his colleague, noted his personal contribution to the development of innovative industries in the industry and in improving the competitiveness of this company’s products in the domestic and foreign markets.  intertkan 6287 In a speech at the opening of the plenary session, Andrei Razbrodin stressed that in the world economy and trade, state protectionism is increasing. That, along with the stagnation of demand for the prevailing textile range, poses fundamentally new challenges for the industry. And to solve them, it is required, first of all, to consolidate the efforts of the state, business and the expert community to strengthen the competitiveness of the Russian light industry. In this connection, measures of state support of the industry, implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, “are the basis of such consolidation”. Evgeny Ryzhov, the director of the profile department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, recalled the “parallel orientation of industry on the part of the government on import substitution and development of exports.” And the last vector will be given “more and more attention” in the framework of direct and indirect state support measures. He noted that although the support, for example, of the automobile industry by the state is many times higher than that of the light industry, the level of exports of textile products in 2017 was “a record for this industry: about 1.4 billion dollars.” Growth, compared to last year, amounted to more than 17%. And there is reason to believe that such a trend will continue, at least in the short term. According to Evgeny Ryzhov, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia supports the proposals of the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of Textile and Light Industry to expand measures of direct and indirect state support of the industry “to consolidate the positive dynamics of the past few years in most of its sub-sectors.” But, as for state subsidization in the segment of replenishment of circulating assets of enterprises, this, “to put it mildly, a very problematic issue in the dialogue, and already difficult, with the RF Ministry of Finance.” And the solution to this increasingly urgent issue involves, among other things, tough, as before, conditions for bank lending. However, according to Ryzhov, the IDF plans a 1-2% rate (instead of the standard 5% rate) for loans for export-oriented industrial projects.  intertkan 6309 According to Andrei Razbrodin: “First of all, it is necessary to change the Russian banking model, orienting it to stimulate production and implementation of state programs on import substitution and innovative development of the economy.” In turn, vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Elena Dybova reported that the government outlined a general program for supporting the industry with financing of 455 billion rubles. But the exact parameters of this program and the timing of its implementation have not yet officially been announced; and “there is no light industry in it”. In addition, while there are no clear mechanisms for state support for small and medium-sized businesses (SMB), its volumes in the near and medium-term are unknown. Meanwhile, the “traditional” SMB lending under 6.5% is unacceptable for it – especially in modern domestic and foreign economic conditions, according to Elena Dybova. The same opinion was expressed by Andrei Razbrodin and many other participants of the meeting. Vice President of the RF CCI also noted the lack of awareness of the majority of enterprises in the industry and regions about programs of direct or indirect state support. But, in the meantime, the number of structures implementing state support continues to “multiply,” with an emphasis on digitalization. But their explanations, incl. on profile portals, under the terms of support are often vague and even, “it happens, unprofessional.”  intertkan 6315 In this connection, according to Elena Dybova, according to state support measures, the RF CCI forms “its own platform: extremely specific and with feedback to the actual potential beneficiaries of this support.” She urged the sectoral community to take an active part in the development of this platform, with which all the forum participants agreed. Anna Simanovskaya, representative of the Industrial Development Fund, explained that among the industries lent by the Fund are the production of textiles, clothing, leather and leather products. The rate of soft loans for import substitution is 3% in the first 3 years with a bank guarantee; 5% – with other types of collateral. But the maximum amount of credit support, according to Simanovskya, does not exceed 500 million rubles for a period of up to 5 years inclusive, and the total budget of such a project is at least 100 million rubles. Problematic, in the opinion of many participants of the meeting, are also conditions for the leasing IDF lending. That is, preferential loans (500 million rubles) are given to pay a minimum of 90% of the advance for leasing equipment, albeit with a rate of 1%. The total budget of the project is at least 20 million rubles. At the same time only 27% of the cost of such equipment is financed. In addition, the IDF does not refinance borrowed funds and pay interest on loans attracted. Perhaps, the growing volatility of the exchange rate and the collateral conditions of commercial banks are perhaps the main factors today that constrain the expansion of the register of SMBs that are financed by the Fund. Although a growing number of them need to refinance loans, credit interest and working capital. However, the authorized leasing companies themselves (there are 25 of them now), as Yury Yablokov, the head of the NORDTEX company, stressed in his speech, often change the “already stipulated conditions that enterprises are in a fit to go bankrupt if they agree to sudden changes in leasing conditions. Or rather, it is, in fact, ultimatum conditions. “Therefore, it is necessary to have cross-referencing of state support measures with the policies of specific authorized leasing and investment structures. ” With what practically all representatives of enterprises of the industry agreed during the meeting. In addition, Yury Yablokov noted that the real level of state support of the light industry barely reaches a quarter of the sectoral needs. The banking policy “remains anti-productive”. This was all the more objectionable … In the epilogue of the plenary session, Andrei Razbrodin, agreeing with the estimates, suggested that they complement, summarize and send to the relevant departments and enterprises / companies of the light industry. The proposal was approved. The saturated business program of the INTERFABRIC exhibition will last until August 30, inclusive. Register and become a member online at:
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