25.05.2020 г.

Mumiy Troll and Solstudio Textile Design Studio with support of Epson company united their efforts for holding ‘Vladivostok -3000 and other Rare Lands’ competition to support the beginning artists and designers and attract attention to their art. We understand better than others how not easy it is for the young creative people. The studio team – it is yesterday’s students, which dictate the world fashion trends today. 

The works of the studio appear at the trend stands of the main textile exhibitions of the world, the leading fashion world power figures refer to them. Mumiy Troll created it’s own unique musical style and knows very well what does it mean to stand out from the others and realize the most bold and crazy ideas. 

The task of the competition is dedicated to the Mumiy Troll Music Band art. The best paintings will get widely known by becoming a base design for the new tee shirts of the band. ‘Our musical journey just begins and who knows where it will lead us’- says Ilya Lagutenko, the founder, ideologist and inspirer of the ‘most marine’ band of the country.

The works are accepted from May 20, 2020 on the web site

In the competition may take part Russian and CIS countries citizens of a legal age. For participation it is necessary to submit from one to three drawings in accordance with the topic of competition. Results will be published prior June 30. The main prize of the competition – all-expense trip to international music festival V‐ROX ( to Vladivostok in May 2021. The second prize - a professional traineeship at Solstudio Textile Design Studio. The third prize – circulation of author tee-shirts with the winning drawing from the parther of the competition – Epson company. In the jury: the founder of Mumiy Troll band Ilya Lagutenko, founder of Solstudio Textile Design Alexandra Kaloshina, the representative of Epson – Andrey Dynkin.

‘Surprisingly, but it is in the conditions of limited opportunities, self-isolation the various fields and worlds began to come into contact, appear unexpected partnership projects. It is how the idea of joint cooperation with Mumiy Troll band and our studio was born.’- comments Alexandra Kaloshina.

Competition organizers:

Mumiy Troll music band was founded in Vladivostok, the capital of Primorskiy Krai region, not long time before the millennium changed and by its own appearance it marked a new era in the history of the Russian rock music. It is them, Mumiy Troll and Ilia Lagutenko – the founder, ideologist and inspirer of the ‘most marine’ Russian group – year in and year out do things that before no one dared. They film a music video in the vent of an active volcano in Kamchatka, perform at the deck of anti-submarine ship ‘Kerch’, give a free concert for the passengers in a Moscow airport at new year eve.

Today Mumiy Troll has tens of studio albums, more than 50 music videos and several generations of fans, which look forward to new songs and with enthusiasm accept favorite hits on concerts.

Mumiy Troll created it’s own musical style, exquisitely quoting events of political and cultural life of the country and world in its songs. With every new album, the musicians open to the listeners new cultural layers and horizons, become guides into the ‘rare lands’ and another worlds.

Solstudio Textile Design – textile design studio creates textile patterns and sells them into 30 countries of the world, and is the only permanent Russian participant of Premiere Vision (Paris), Intertextile Shanghai, Munich Fabric Start, Indigo (New York) exhibitions. Drawings of the studio can be seen at the trend stands of the leading textile exhibitions; world power figures of fashion analytics such as WGSN refer to them. Company’s staff give lectures and hold trainings on promotion of contemporary textile design. The studio creates patterns for its own Radical Chic brand.


Partner of the competition: 

Epson, headed by a Japanese Seiko Epson corporation, is the world leader in the field of creation of innovation products for image receiving – from 3 LCD-projectors and smart glasses to printers, that print on different types of storage devices: from regular paper to textiles. In company’s kit there are sublimation printers and printers for a direct printing, including compact printer Epson SureColor SC‐F2100 for printing on tee-shirts.

We will be glad to answer your questions:
Solstudio Textile Design
Svetlana Kurdyumova
+7 (985) 795 0987

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